Our family lost a great man yesterday. My Grandpa will be greatly missed! He was one of those guys who would give you the shirt off his back. He was always helping his kids and grand kids if they ever needed anything. And his stories… He always had a good story to tell us or a joke. He loved his family and was truly excited when anyone came to visit…. Cuz he loved to talk. Even though he has had breathing problems for a long time and has been on oxygen for over a year he never complained and always had a smile on his face. Don’s softball teams #1 fan will be truly missed. He loved coming out to the ball field in the summer. When it got too hard for him to walk that far, my awesome father-in-law picked up a wheel chair so we could push him out there! He brought joy to so many people because he was always so friendly and could strike up a conversation with anyone.
I’m so saddened that our daughter won’t get to know her wonderful great grandpa.
I’m so saddened that our daughter won’t get to know her wonderful great grandpa.