Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I wanted to say great big THANK YOU to Danielle who made our blog so beautiful. As you all know my computer design abilities are non-existent. And when I stumbled across Blogs by Danielle it was a blessing. She is donating part of her fee to Half The Sky Foundation, which is a great charity that helps Chinese Orphans. I am always looking for ways to help all the children in orphanages in China. If you are interested in finding out more about them vist www.halfthesky.org. Another good one is www.lovewithoutboundaries.com.

Now, I will try to keep this blog up-to-date so you can keep up with what is going on with our adoption and our family as we wait for our angel baby from China.

1 comment:

Danielle Moss said...

You are very welcome! I am so glad that you love your blog.

I look forward to following your journey.
