I can't believe it has been 3 months since I've update my blog. I guess I've been spending time giving small udpates on my facebook page and have neglected this. Sorry to all my friends and family who keep up to date here.
Well not much good news on the baby front. China didn't make any baby matches in September.. ugh! Apparantly the person that signs off on them was travelling so they couldn't finalize them and send them out. Whatever! Why right before it is our time weird things like this happen.
Our agency finally received some today (10/12/09) but only LIDs through 3/28/09. We are still unsure of when we will receive our match with our LID being 4/3/06. It seems like we should be next but I won't count on it because well... it don't want to be disappointed when it doesn't happen. I have no idea if we'll see some more matches in October or not until November. Don and I have had an ongoing joke that he'll be in China during Christmas. And that may actually happen. From the time we get matched with a baby it takes about 4-6 weeks to finalize travel.. so it could happen. Oh well he doesn't care... all we want to do is get our baby and bring her home so we can love her and take care of her! I just want to know WHEN that is going to happen. This process has about drove me nuts! Someone in my adoption group called it Chinese Torture. That is sure what it feels like.
I do think we
should get our match in the batch after this next one. So if they send out more matches in October than our month will be November. But if they don't send out another batch until November, then we'll be December. I'll keep everyone posted!!!
Thanks for all your prayers... they really are helping me get through this. Pray for our daugther also... that someone is taking good care of her, loving her, holding her, playing with her, feeding her when she is hungrey! Some orphanages take good care of their babies, and other's not so good. I pray she is in one of the good ones!